Bang Lutheran Church
Part of the Portland Lutheran Parish, Bang Lutheran Church is located approximately 4 miles west/north of Portland continuing 6 additional miles west on Hwy. 200 and then south 1 mile.
Leon Philpot, Synodically Authorized Minister
Sunday Worship: 11:00AM
Sunday School: 10:00AM
701.788.2859 (office)
Bruflat Lutheran Church
Part of the Portland Lutheran Parish, Bruflat Lutheran Church is located in Portland on the south side of Hwy. 200.
Leon Philpot, Synodically Authorized Minister
Sunday Worship: 09:45AM
Sunday School: 08:30AM
701.788.2859 (office)
Ebenezer Lutheran Brethren
15 3rd Ave. NE – Mayville
Worship Service: 10:30 am Sundays (9:30 summers)
Children’s Sunday School: 9:00 am
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 am
First American
Corner of Third Avenue and Second Street NE, Mayville
Rolf Preus, Pastor
701-788-2096 (office)
Summer Worship: 11:30 AM
Gran Lutheran
Gran Lutheran Church is located 5 miles east and 2 miles south of Mayville
Sunday Worship: 8:45AM
Sunday School at 9:45AM
Mayville Congregational United Church of Christ
Mayville Lutheran
Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Reverend Robert F. Smith
Worship: Saturday 5pm
First, third and fifth Sundays: 10:30AM
Second and fourth Sundays: 8:30AM
After Labor Day:
Worship: Saturday 5pm
First, third and fifth Sundays: 11:00AM
Second and fourth Sundays: 8:30AM
Perry Lutheran Church
Part of the Portland Lutheran Parish, Perry Lutheran Church is located approximately 7 miles west of Portland on Hwy 200 and 6 1/2 miles south.
Leon Philpot, Synodically Authorized Minister
701.788.2859 (office)
Sunday Worship: 8:30AM